Sleeva: The Making of a Soul-Winner By William D. Turner
This book is not for sale but is given in response to your giving to IBC’s Acts 29 fund that exclusively supports students going on exposure adventures in missions. There’s no suggested amount. How much you choose to give towards funding this project is between you and God. More importantly we request you to frequently pray for the Lord of the harvest to open eyes of our students and send forth labors. That’s what this book is about. Exposure breeds a burden.
"This is a book that needed to be written.
Many who know Jim Sleeva have told me that. Every person that I have interviewed, or who emailed me a personal memory of Sleeva's impact on their life, gave their whole-hearted endorsement for such a project, and invariably expressed that they were 'honored' to contribute.
Great Christians whom I have known, some of whose lives have been the subjects of several of my previous books, all shared one characteristic that truly qualified them as extraordinary - they have all lived lives of unconditional surrender to the will of God. That is the kind of life revealed in the pages of this book."
- William D. Turner